How To | Tent Your Event

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How To | Tent Your Event

Fall is officially here and with it comes so many things that we love, including the cooler weather.  This sometimes makes for a tricky situation when you’re planning an event that you were hoping would fall on a beautiful crisp sunny day, but instead you end up with soggy conditions.  Tents are a great way to keep your guests out of the rain, and they can also be beautiful additions to your event.  Here are some tips to ensure that your tented event goes off with out a hitch!


  • Consider adding flooring.  We know this is an additional expense, but just because you have rented a tent it does not mean the ground will be dry when it rains.  If you are on any kind of slope at all, the water has to go somewhere and chances are it will enter the tent.  If you are having your party on grass or dirt, flooring is something you should absolutely think about as chances are the ground will already be saturated and muddy given the rain we’ve already had.
  • Let there be light!  Even if you are having your event before dark you should rent lighting, tents can be very dark on the inside especially if they have walls.
  • Add walls to your tent.  Rain doesn’t just fall vertically, if it’s windy it can seem like it’s falling sideways, and tent walls are a great way to protect you from wind and rain
  • Baby it’s cold outside…  Heaters are an awesome way to make your guests feel more comfortable and keep the party going!
  • If you have it in the budget to add draping to your tent, this can really elevate the ambiance of your event.  There are so many options when it comes to fabrics and draping styles,  and this is a great way to incorporate a certain color or theme.


We know there is a lot to consider when planning a tented event, hopefully these tips will help you get started.

Happy planning!


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